Friday, December 20, 2013

4. Typical Persons of Japanese Martial Arts

   This time we will take up typical persons of Japanese martial arts. There are four persons represent Japanese martial arts. Now, we will introduce them to you.

   First, we introduce 武御雷神(Takemikazuchi). He is not human. He is god controls thunder, war and martial arts. According to ancient documents, he instructed human in the battle way, while originally it is god’s things. People who gave the way established a school: 関東七流(Kanto sichiryu). It was known as the oldest swordsmanship school in Japan. This school produced many swordsmanship schools, and some of them inherited even in the present age without a break. Probably it is legend, but he is important factor in brought martial arts to Japanese.
武御雷神 (Takemikazuchi)

 Second, 宮本武蔵(Musashi Miyamoto). He is one of the most famous people in Japanese martial arts. He was known as the originator of 二刀流 (Nitouryu)〔二天一流 (Nitenichiryu): the school of fencing with characterized by the use of a sword in each hand. Of course there are some swordsmanship schools with a sword in each hand. Also his work was famous. The title is 五輪書(Gorinnosyo). Its contents hold good even today. That’s why this book is popular in these days. If you interested in this book, please access Although the whole passage is written in Japanese, we want you to feel the merit of the original text.

宮本武蔵(Musashi Miyamoto)

   Third, 山田光徳(Mitsunori Yamada). He was the seventh successor of 直心影流剣術(Jikishinkageryukenjutsu). One day, he was injured in a match. Th
e match used wooden sword. It was the opportunity for him to improved protective equipment of Kenjutsu and he developed protector which is the same of Kendo. Also he used bamboo sword. Without him, development of Kendo was obstructed.

   Finally, we introduce嘉 納治五郎(Jigorou Kanou). He is famous for the founder of Judo, and 講道館(Koudoukan): total headquartered of Judo. The influence of him on Judo is immeasurable. Judo replaced Jujutsu. And now, Judo became the item of the Olympic Games, and spread all over the world. Nowadays, there are many schools of Judo. It seems that Judo is one of the most succeeded martial arts, but it had been no longer martial arts. It became sports. Did he desire the situation?

加納治五郎(Jigorou Kano)

A list of reference: 武術武道家列伝(Bujutsubudoukaretsuden) 

加来耕三(written by Kouzou Kaku) 


                  日本古武道総覧(A Compendium of Japanese Old Martial Arts)  日本古武道協会編集(Japanese Old Martial Art Association edit)

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